Chile bets on Europe to develop sustainable food industry
The country embraced SIAL Paris 2022 as an opportunity to confirm its commitment and position as a world leading exporter.
Chile, a leading exporter of prunes, nuts, salmon and dehydrated apples, is also rich in honey, truffles, lamb meat and signature wines. The country has shown strong support for the sustainable transformation of its food sector which was represented by exhibitors at the Chilean National Hall of SIAL Paris 2022.
Chilean exports have increased by almost 80% in the last decade, from USD 10 billion in 2010 to more than USD 18 billion in 2021. Between January and August 2022, they reached USD 14.3 billion, 15% more than the same period last year. This significant growth can be explained by the development of major markets such as China, India and the United States. But it is also the result of increased product offering with high added value, marked by innovation and sustainability – mostly developed for Europe.
With a strong track record for reliability, traceability, safety and strong infrastructure, the Chilean food sector is well aware of its responsibility to implement carbon sequestration measures. According to estimates, practices in favour of efficient water use, renewable energy, waste management and adopting new technologies, would allow the sector to mitigate between 3% and 7% total anthropogenic emissions by 2030.
Major projects are being implemented across Chile including reforestation, recognition of organic certifications, and national sustainability agreements. But with a domestic market too small to absorb large supply, these must find their balance internationally to spread and multiply. As Europe sets benchmarks for responsible consumption in local production, Chile reminded visitors that its land can provide real answers and contribute effectively to mitigating climate change.
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