Food giant Kellogg – the maker of Pringles, Special K, Frosties, and Corn Flakes – has just launched a new line of organic crackers, the first with a high level of Vitamin D. More than 90% of Americans do not consume enough Vitamin D according to the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025.
The company says that the crackers – which started to appear on supermarket shelves in January – provide 10% of the daily value of Vitamin D from mushroom powder. Other key ingredients are cheese and vegetables.
The move comes after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced increases to the fortification levels of Vitamin D following a petition from Kellogg. As well as in cereals, higher fortification levels are now extended to grain-based bars.

More ways to consume Vitamin D
“Kellogg fortified cereals and milk have long been an affordable way to get Vitamin D,” said Kellogg SVP for global R&D and innovation, Nigel Hughes. “Now, everyday foods, like cereal and grain-based bars, can go even further toward helping people access and consume this vitamin.”
Kellogg said that it is “committed to addressing ‘hidden hunger’ or micronutrient deficiencies, through both inherent sources and fortification”. This is all part of its Better Days environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy.
Recommended intakes of Vitamin D are difficult to achieve through natural food sources like fatty fish, egg yolks and certain mushrooms. About six in 10 consumers (59%) have reported wanting to add more Vitamin D to their diet according to the Hartman Group Health & Wellness 2021 Report.
Kellogg said it will continue to utilise ingredients and fortification to provide affordable and accessible options to help consumers increase Vitamin D in their diet. All the company’s brands list the Vitamin D content on the nutrition facts panel.
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